Chronic pain is part of life for more than 100 million people living in the USA. That means approximately 1 out of 3 people in the USA are experiencing nagging, uncomfortable pain and sometimes disability due to chronic pain. It can feel helpless to have such pain in your life. It could be joint pain, back pain, muscle pain, breathing problems, migraine headaches, etc. Regardless, when you are in the throes of such issues you simply want relief! What can you do?
One item that our skilled nursing care advocates is to be proactive with your own health. You need to maintain a non-sedentary lifestyle. At first when experiencing your pain this can seem impossible. Take it slow, but start to be as active as possible. Increase your activity slowly. Stay in touch with experienced health care professionals. Do not do this alone. At Hometown Home Healthcare, we have quite a few of our clients that we are assisting with these issues. We help them manage their pain with relevant advice and then will monitor their progress. We listen to their problems and analyze what the next steps may be. Our skilled nursing care staff will ask plenty of questions after consulting with our clients such as: · How much rest is the client getting? · Is their sleep peaceful? · What type of exercise are they capable of doing? · Are they able to do this exercise on a regular basis? · What type of nutrition are they receiving? · Can they cook their own meals? · What activities are they performing during their normal activities · What therapies are they attempting to relieve their pain? · Are they taking any medications for their chronic pain? Once the lifestyle of our clients is determined, we offer some solutions to their problems! We will determine a daily routine to alleviate some of the activities that may be aggravating their chronic pain. Some of our clients may be attempting to perform activities in their homes that they now are not able perform. Our skilled nursing care may offer assistance such as; having a home health aide perform some of the home cleaning activities they are no longer able to do. Our skilled nursing care will develop a gentle exercise routine that can bring relief to your chronic pain. The last item that our skilled nursing care will analyze will be your pain management with prescription pharmaceuticals. We will determine along with your doctor what should be the medicines to take. This will alleviate your nagging pain. Our team of our skilled nursing care and a caring home health aide will work with you so you are not alone. When you are living in your home, Hometown Home Healthcare will see that you are not alone! With a home health aide from Hometown Home Healthcare we will provide home cleaning, cooking, and pain management to you. Please contact us today at our office for your first step to reducing your chronic pain. Our phone number is 765-674-7177 and we can be contacted on the web at our website . Or send us an e-mail to [email protected]. Hometown Home Healthcare serves the communities of Marion, Kokomo, and Gas City. We look forward to you contacting us so we can begin the process of alleviating your chronic pain!
![]() As we get older quite a few of us may begin to become less mobile. You may someday need a knee replacement or new hip. When this happens you will probably end up using a wheelchair or walker. The ability to move free around our home becomes more difficult as we age. You may be faced with the problem of climbing the stairs or navigating through a narrow door way. The time to consider these issues is not when they happen, but before they become an issue. Planning is much easier than reacting! When you are in your initial phases of buying that new house, one does not normally think 15 to 20 years ahead. At Hometown Home Healthcare we understand these issues and deal with them with our clients frequently. We wish to do all we can to bring ease and comfort to those who wish to live in the comfort of their own homes. As President of a Home Healthcare Company, I am constantly trying to determine ways that I can bring relief to my community of Gas City and Marion as well as Kokomo. That is why I have decided to add another step to my company for senior healthcare improvement. Although it will also help the disabled citizens in our community as well! I am pleased to announce that Hometown Home Healthcare will be forming Hometown Home Rehab and Construction. We will be Medicaid waiver approved. We will review your home and suggest such items as grab bars for showers and tubs, railings for safety, wheelchair ramps, heating and small home repair. We will offer big senior discounts for private pay individuals! Please contact us at 765-674-7177 to arrange a consultation on how we can modify your home to provide you comfort to live in your home. If you would rather you can fill out a contact form on our website at We will make arrangements to visit you at your home in the surrounding area of Marion, Kokomo, and Gas City. We will listen to you voice your concerns and difficulties of your current troubles with living in your home. We will work with you so you can get the home modifications you need. Senior health care is a huge part of what we do with our company. We believe this step in our business will bring much relief for senior healthcare and we are looking forward to providing this service! A disability or just plain losing the ability of mobility in your home is not fun. We always are concerned with senior health care in our community and realize our elderly’s desire to stay in their own home. Our job at Hometown Home Healthcare is to keep you there. We look forward to the opportunity to speak to you as we begin our new venture with Hometown Home Rehab and Construction. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and please share it with anyone you think we can help! Sincerely, Mitchell E. Weaver ![]() I am sure that as a child most of us heard, sleep tight and don’t let the bedbugs bite! I know that it was a silly saying back then, but not now. We as senior care Marion experts and home health care Gas City experts are noticing an increase! It is reported that the increase in bedbugs is almost 5 times what they once were. They are on the rise not just in rural areas such as Marion, Indiana or Gas City, Indiana. They are also found in the swankest hotels of New York City! The cause if found due to a couple of different reasons. The chemical DDT was responsible for eradicating them after World War II. However DDT was deemed illegal in 1972 and that is one reason they have been increasing. Another reason is the explosive growth of international travel. So what exactly are bedbugs? They are nocturnal parasitic insects that feed solely on the blood of warm blooded animals. They are not only found in beds as their name suggests. They can be found throughout the home. Hometown Home Healthcare, as senior health care Marion experts, has noticed them in our cleaning of people homes! Even our team of home health care Gas City experts has seen them. We report this immediately to our clients! So I am sure that most people believe that it is dirty conditions that cause bedbugs, but that is not the case. Harold Harlan a career bug expert for the US Military and a prominent authority on bedbugs states; “Infestations of common bed bugs, Cimex lectularius L., are not directly related to sanitation levels. The cleanest living area can have a very large infestation, and improving sanitation alone will not eliminate an established bed bug population. Cluttered conditions can offer the bugs a lot of excellent harborages very near their human blood-meal hosts. Almost anyone is at risk of having an infestation if bed bugs are brought into their home.” With that piece of information we ought to all be aware of and concerned about these nasty little creatures! Well then are they dangerous? Not necessarily. Our home health care Gas City experts have noticed that they can cause extreme scratching even an asthmatic reaction. However every person reacts differently to these nasty little bugs. Why not let the senior health care Marion experts and home health care Gas City experts assist you in inspecting your home for these nasty parasitic creatures. We will advise you as what needs to be done and then implement the plan to rid you of these nasty little parasitic bugs. Obviously every analysis is kept strictly confidential. Call us today at 765-674-7177 or e-mail us to [email protected]! Please Marion, Gas City, and Kokomo DON’T LET THE BEDBUGS BITE!
![]() Home Healthcare is a service that has gone through many changes over the last 10 to 20 years. Obviously the aging of the USA population is a big factor. People are living longer and since this is so, there are many more elderly that require assistance to stay in the homes that they have lived in for many years. Who can blame them? Change is very difficult when one is younger and stronger, but much more difficult to handle as we have become accustomed to a certain way of living for decades. One big change that has occurred, especially over the past 10 years has been the tsunami of Alzheimer's disease within the aging population, although it can happen to people even in their late 40’s to early 50’s. Even so, according to the Alzheimer’s Association the following is interesting to understand: According to U.S. Census data, the size of the older population (65 and older) will double over the next 25 years, growing to 70 million by 2030 when the youngest of the post-World War II baby boomers will be more than 65 years old. Because age is a known risk factor for Alzheimer’s, the United States could realize a 70 percent increase in the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease, with an estimated 7.7 million people affected. It is apparent from the words above that unless a cure is found and soon, there is going to be much more incidents for Alzheimer’s disease to touch many more families in the coming years. What to do about the aging grandparent or your Father who seems to be forgetting more and more important details of daily living. Home Healthcare is often needed to help the patient during the different stages of this disease. So you may understand about this very difficult to care for disease we will list some important details of the stages of Alzheimer’s here: Mild Alzheimer: In mild AD, the first stage, people often have some memory loss and small changes in their personality. They may forget recent events or the names of familiar people or things. They may no longer be able to solve math problems or balance a checkbook. People with mild AD also slowly lose the ability to plan and organize. Moderate Alzheimer: This is the middle stage of AD. Memory loss and confusion become more obvious. People have more trouble organizing, planning, and following instructions. They may need help getting dressed and may start having problems with incontinence. This means they can't control their bladder and/or bowels. People with moderate-stage AD may have trouble recognizing family members and friends. They may not know where they are or what day or year it is. They also may lack judgment and begin to wander, so people with moderate AD should not be left alone. Severe Alzheimer: This is the last stage of Alzheimer's and ends in the death of the person. In this stage, people often need help with all their daily needs. They may not be able to walk or sit up without help. They may not be able to talk and often cannot recognize family members. They may have trouble swallowing and refuse to eat. As you can see, this disease becomes progressive and requires much loving care to deal with the patient and their illness. Many times the family caregiver can become quite overwhelmed neglecting their own health to care for their loved one. This is where Hometown Home Healthcare can be of the greatest assistance to the home caregiver as this disease progresses. Medicaid may be the way to pay for the care of the patient. The stress for the family can be relieved by our skilled nursing care and home healthcare aides. Alzheimer’s is a very difficult disease to manage, but you do not have to do this alone. Families that have a loved one facing this difficult journey are encouraged to contact professionals to help you make this last journey much more pleasant. This will be for the patient as well as the family. Call us today at 765-667-9821 or e-mail us at [email protected]. ![]() When it comes to home healthcare many adults find themselves overwhelmed when their aging parents require help to function on a daily basis. Home Healthcare is a flexible and often more affordable alternative to a nursing home or assisted living facility. Think about it, why wouldn't Mom or Dad want to stay in their own home. Wouldn't you? When you are checking home healthcare for yourself, your Mom or Dad, or others that you love dearly, a few steps can be important. Check the qualifications, certifications, and licenses required to provide home healthcare services in your area. There are three important things to consider when choosing your home healthcare service. They are as follows: 1. It is important to understand that emergencies are not planned. They can happen at any time. Always ask if the home healthcare agency staff has a skilled nursing supervisor available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 2. Always inquire how the home healthcare caregivers are screened and hired for employment with the agency. Also ask what training their employees receive on an ongoing basis. 3. As if their home healthcare agency have any online reviews or testimonials they could direct you to. There is much more that you should request as well. Does the home healthcare agency provide bathing services? Can they provide you doctor call if you are not ambulatory? Do they provide any cleaning services? We strongly urge you to consider only those home healthcare provides that can offer such service and have the needed certifications and state licenses to do so. We at Hometown Home Healthcare would be happy to speak with you concerning our services that we provide. Please contact us at 765-674-7177 or [email protected] to receive information concerning our agency or visit our website at to learn more of what we do for you. We invite you to share our blog with those important to you or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. ![]() Home health care is very important and beneficial to those who have adopted it. These comprise of: More freedom and independence – home health care enables one to be independent compared to the hospital situation. Delivered at the comfort of your home – patients get treated at their own homes hence you feel very comfortable with all your loved ones around. This even makes the patient motivated. It is affordable – getting home treatment is very affordable compared to inpatient care where you will need to pay for a lot of expenses on daily basis. Allows visits at any time – home health care allows one to be with the family and can talk to them at any moment. Friends and relatives also find it very easy to walk in any time they feel like visiting you. Proper healing with no infections – it is very rare to get infections as you heal while at home. This will allow for quick and healthy healing. Minimizes re-hospitalizations – through home care, you will be able to reduce the chances of being re-hospitalized but always get all you need right at home. Tailored to the patient’s need – this system allows the patients to get exactly what they need. Home health care is very beneficial to both the patients and the family members. They find it very easy to get in touch and always give words of encouragement to the patient. |